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StringKing Mark 2V, M, Typ 4x Lacrosse Head Strung

Art. Nr.: oSK-ITM-Mark-04x-2V-00
Out of Stock

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Midfielders listen up: the StringKing Mark 2V, M, Typ 4x Lacrosse Head Strung is equipped with a hard mesh, many details and 29 stringing holes fort he next level of performance. For players who need a strong, well-rounded head ist the Mark 2V Type 4X the right choice. The rounded edges on the front ensure that the head does not dig into the ground. A great detail for face offs. In addition, the innovative forward angle guides balls into the pocket so that balls can be played, thrown and caught from any angle. Especially for midfield players, stiffness and light weight are the most important features and requires the right head. Exactly this balance is reached by the Mark 2V Type 4X and facilitates players not only more power and accuracy, but also stands for reliability. The rattling of the head is prevented by the lightweight, functional Locking Bolt, which fixes the head on both sides. And for players who want to string the pocket that suits them perfectly, the 29 stringing holes on each sidewall are just the thing. The multitude of stringing holes offers countless possibilities for individualization and fine tuning.

Advantages of the StringKing Mark 2V, M, Typ 4x Lacrosse Head Strung:

  • super stiffness at very low weight
  • supported, better ball control
  • supported, better ball control
  • rounded edges at the scoop against ground digging
  • forward angle at the scoop directs balls into the pocket
  • produced and designed for midfielders
  • with hard mesh

Additional information

Weight 130 g
Dimensions 30 × 17 × 5 cm
LAX Mesh



LAX Härte

Lax Head Technologie

LAX Erfahrungslevel




LAX Stringing

Choosing a Lacrosse Head

With the huge selection on CaptainLax.com, finding the right lacrosse head is not always an easy task. Stiffness, head width and weight are important factors to consider when buying a lacrosse head. Following is a brief summary of the most important properties.

Offset/Forward Cant Lacrosse Heads

The most popular Head in Lacrosse nowadays is the Offset Head. An Offset Head inclines away slightly, starting at the throat area (the point where the head and shaft come together), enabling the Ball to sit more deeply in the Pocket. The Forward Cant Head is also slightly angled from the throat area. The Offset/ForwardCant Head is designed to give the player enhanced feeling and maximum control over the ball whilst allowing for faster and more accurate passing and shooting.

Onset Lacrosse Heads

Onset Lacrosse Heads sit “straight” on the Shaft, whereas Offset, Cant and Curved Heads have a slight angle to them. Due to constant technical developments, however, fewer and fewer Onset Heads are used by professional lacrosse players. Nevertheless, Onset Heads are still suitable for beginners to use to help them learn the basics of lacrosse.
*The heads mentioned above are used by lacrosse players in all positions except the goalkeeper.

Stiffness vs. Flexibility

Stiffness and flexibility are amongst the most important factors playing a role in the development of new lacrosse heads. However, different lacrosse players prefer different types of heads. Some very stiff heads are slightly heavier than other more flexible heads. Some defenders like to play with a slightly stiffer head because it means that they can use it to check more effectively (harder), others prefer a slightly softer head that may be better for fielding ground balls. You can say the same thing about every position. The stiffness and flexibility of the head you choose will depend on your preferences as a player. But you can’t go wrong with either.

Narrow vs. Wide Lacrosse Heads

In recent years, lacrosse heads have become increasingly narrow. But as previously said, some players prefer a tighter head while others prefer to play with a wider head. An attacker may prefer to play with a tighter head to maximise ball control and better protect the ball from defensive checks. Other attackers may prefer a wider head to help them catch a quick pass in tight situations at the crease. A defender, on the other hand, may prefer to play with a wider head so that the chances to catch the ball and deflect passes are both improved. . However, most of the tighter or narrower lacrosse heads are designed for more advanced players, for the simple reason that it is much more difficult to catch the ball with a tight head when compared to using a wider head.

Why should I pinch my head?

Pinching helps you to reshape your head so that the ball stays longer in the pocket. A narrower head should mean that the ball sits better in the pocket. But don’t forget – catching is much more difficult with a pinched head. You should also be aware of where the legal limits for head width are set. So don’t overdo it! One other thing to bear in mind is that once you have pinched your head, the manufacturer’s guarantee no longer applies.

What is the Scoop?

The scoop is the upper part of the head, and is used to help bring the ball into the pocket. In other words, a bit like the end of a shovel. The various manufacturers use different techniques and different names. But the aim is the same: make groundball work as easy as possible.

How can I string my head?

That’s easy! Simply click on your preferred pocket style and follow the instructions….:

Stringing Manual Mesh Pocket » Download
Stringing Manual Traditional Strung Pocket » Download

Product Safety


16424 Ishida Avenue
90248 Gardena, CA

Tel: +1 (310) 795-4424
E-Mail: info@stringking.com

Verantwortliche Person für die EU

GE Sport-Trade GmbH
Lissabonstrasse 7
97424 Schweinfurt

Tel: +49 (0)9721 / 75 98 80
E-Mail: ge@ge-sporttrade.de
SKU: oSK-ITM-Mark-04x-2V-00 Categories: , , ,


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